Warriors 3 put on a brave display versus Jets

On Wednesday, 27th December, Warriors 3 took on the Altrincham Jets at Ice Sheffield in their second game of the season.

Starting in goal for the Warriors, and making his first ever start as a netminder, was Warriors 2 defender and captan Luke Newbiggin.

1st period

The first period started with the Jets coming out strong and getting on the scoresheet first.

It was obvious from the first shift that Altrincham had a couple of players that were above development level, which added to the challenge for the Warriors.

Despite this, Leeds held their own and thanks to two goals from Luke Webber, they were in the game at the end of the period, which ended 4-2 to the Jets

2nd period

The middle frame was a much tighter affair, as the teams exchanged chances but were unable to get much past the goalies.

Rory Butcher came in to take over in net from Newbiggin in a scheduled switch at the mid-point of the period.

After forty minutes of play, the Jets had added two more goals, while the Warriors had notched their third through captain Matthew Dudley, meaning the Jets took a 6-3 lead into the final period.

3rd period

The Warriors were very much still in the game and were determined to push hard for a comeback.

While they weren’t able to do so, they were able to win the period 2-1, with Jared Weldon scoring on a rebound from his own initial shot, and Dudley grabbing his second of the game.

Final score:

Jets 7 – Warriors 5

An excellent performance from the Warriors, especially given the fact the Jets had iced non-development level players.

Goal scorers:

Luke Webber : 2
Matthew Dudley : 2
Jared Weldon : 1

Luke Newbiggin

Warriors’ player of the game

Luke Webber

Coach’s player of the game

The Player of the Game for the Warriors, as selected by the Jets, went to Luke Newbiggin for a solid performance in his first game in net and the Warriors’ helmet went to defender Luke Webber for his strong two-goal outing.


Warriors Cup - Winter 2023 summary


Warriors 3 to take on the Altrincham Jets during Christmas week