Awards Night 2023

On Friday 22nd September 2023 we had our second ever awards evening.

This was held in the Gary Speed Suite at Elland Road football stadium.

The evening began with team awards - starting with Warriors 3.

Warriors 3

As Warriors 3 Coach Jacob King could not make it to the event, a pre-recorded speech from Jacob was shown on the screen. Niks Kamaldins then presented the players with a participation patch.

Whilst this was happening, a video montage from their season was playing on the screen, starting with Warriors 3:

Warriors 3

Warriors 2

Next up was Warriors 2.

Last season’s coach, Sam Forrester, stepped forward and gave a speech about the team’s progress and presented the players with a participation patch.

Whilst this was happening, a video montage from their season was playing on the screen:

Warriors 2

Warriors 1

Next up was Warriors 1.

Step forward last season’s Head Coach, Alex Jones.

Alex gave a speech about how last season went in the Northern Recreational Hockey Cup (NHRC) and presented the participation patches to the team.

Whilst this was happening, a video montage from their season was playing on the screen:

Warriors 1

Captains and Alternatives

The Captains and Alternate Captains were announced for the upcoming season and the players were presented with their letters:

Warriors 1

Captain: Chris Giles

Alternate: Andy Giles

Alternate: Sam Cromack

Warriors 2

Captain: Luke Newbiggin

Alternate: Louis Feather

Alternate: Rich Guttridge

Warriors 3

Captain: Matthew Dudley

Alternate: Ash Davies

Alternate: Fran Humphries

Day One Founding Members

There was also a recognition of those players who have been with Leeds Warriors since day one (back in August 2020). These players were presented with a ‘Founding Member’ patch.

Pictured below are : James Way, Lisa Speed, Tim Lyndon-Belt, Ben Briggs, Luke Newbiggin, Chris Giles, Niks Kamaldins and Ash Davies:

Here’s a summary of all the individual awards and winners :

Most Improved player

The most improved player award is the backbone of our club. What separates us from other clubs is the drive to help players become the best versions of themselves. New, returning and veterans all have the ability to improve, and it’s this that the Warriors do best.

The most improved player award is in recognition of a player who has pushed above and beyond their limits, improving throughout the year in leaps and bounds.

They are a someone that works hard to become the best versions of themselves, and a hunger to learn each week.

Warriors 3 : Ash Davies

Warriors 2 : Louis Feather

Warriors 1 : Niku Ghaemi

The Most Improved Player award was presented by brothers Chris and Andy Giles.

Pictured between Chris and Andy are: Louis Feather (Warriors 2), Ash Davies (Warriors 3) and Niku Ghaemi (Warriors 1):

Coaches Award

The coach’s award is an award that symbolises the players who are a joy to coach. The players that will selflessly put their team in front of themselves.

As coaches these are the sorts of players who help create bonds in the team and can help drive the philosophy and forward thinking we require.

Warriors 3 : Tim Lyndon-Belt

Warriors 2 : Luke Newbiggin

Warriors 1 : Jordan Batty

This award was presented by Niks Kamaldins.

Unfortunately, Jordan Batty could not make the event, so Warriors 1 Captain, Chris Giles collected on his behalf.

Pictured alongside Chris are winners Luke Newbiggin (Warriors 2) and Tim Lyndon-Belt (Warriors 3):

Best Forward

The best forward is not always the player with the most goals or they player that can go coast to coast and butter the toast.

The best forward embodies:

  • Work rate

  • Creativity

  • Tenacity

  • Creating space and time for others

Because these forwards are the best at making a line gel and amplify their team-mates’ performance, alongside their own ability. 

Warriors 3 : David Gorog

Warriors 2 : Simon Morrow

Warriors 1 : Mitch White

This award was presented by Club Treasurer, Ash Davies. Unfortunately, David Gorog of Warriors 3 could not make the event.

Pictured alongside Ash are winners Simon Morrow (Warriors 2) and Mitch White (Warriors 1).

Best Defence

At the other end of the ice, we have the best defence award. Behind every great forward is an amazing defence. They are there when the pressure ramps up. Keeping a calm and level head and orchestrating the beginning of every great play.

It’s often a thankless job but everyone knows without them a team can just as easily collapse.

Warriors 3 : Craig Baker

Warriors 2 : Nathan Clegg

Warriors 1 : Ollie Gannon

This award was presented by sponsors Luke Newbiggin and Jared Weldon.

Pictured below, between Luke and Jared are winners Nathan Clegg (Warriors 2), Ollie Gannon (Warriors 1) and Craig Baker (Warriors 3):

Most Valuable Player (MVP)

The MVP is recognition of the name who is always first on your team sheet. It’s the person who you know will be there each week without fail. To amplify the team’s performance and the player that you trust wholeheartedly.

Warriors 3 : Matt Dudley

Warriors 2 : Ben Cohen

Warriors 1 : Ollie Gannon

This award was presented by Alex Jones.

Unfortunately, neither Ben Cohen or Matthew Dudley could make it to the event.

Pictured below : Warriors 1 winner Ollie Gannon and Warriors 2 Captain Luke Newbiggin - collecting on behalf of Ben Cohen.

Player’s player

Player’s player is the one everyone really wants.

It’s recognition by your peers, taking into account a variety of factors. You could simply be the best player, you could be selfless, just a great person in the room or someone others look up to.

It’s a real recognition of the regard you are held in by your peers and something you should cherish.

When we asked our players who they voted for some of them gave us some comments that supported their vote and I thought it useful to share some:

  • Always puts in 100% effort

  • Great guy, great player

  • Battles for the team

  • Selfless

  • Commitment is amazing

Warriors 3 : Rich Guttridge

Warriors 2 : Chris Scampton

Warriors 1 : Mitch White

Award presented by Lisa Speed.

Pictured here is Warriors 1 winner, Mitch White, Warriors 2 Captain Luke Newbiggin (collecting on behalf of Chris Scampton) and Warriors 3 winner Rich Guttridge :

Chairperson award

Niks Kamaldins

This award was presented by incoming Warriors 1 Coach, Sam Forrester.

Congratulations Niks!

Club award

Tim Lyndon-Belt

Pictured : Winner, Tim Lyndon-Belt and presenter of the award, Will Gibbons.

Special Award of the Night

Lisa Speed

The biggest cheer of the night (plus a standing ovation) was for the special presentation award which was made by Team 1 Rep, Will Gibbons.

Will gave a heartfelt speech about the club’s gratitude for all the time and effort that is put in by the club’s manager, Lisa Speed.

Lisa shoulders so much of the responsibility for keeping the club running. We’re all so grateful for Lisa’s efforts and do not take her for granted.

The club had a collection in order to pay for a silver pendant of the Warriors logo. Will presented Lisa with the pendant on behalf of the club. On the reverse it is inscribed ‘Our Hockey Mum’.

There was some extra cash in the kitty, which the club decided could help Lisa out with the car parking fines she accrued from parking at the rink.

Thank you Lisa.

Mention should be made of the players who picked up multiple awards on the night - Ollie Gannon picked up MVP and Best Defence, Mitch White picked up Player’s Player and Best Forward whilst Tim Lyndon-Belt collected the Chair Award and Coach’s Award. Louis Feather was made Alternate Captain for Warriors 2 whilst also collecting the award for Most Improved Player. Luke Newbiggin was made Captain of Warriors 2 whilst also receiving the Coach’s Award. Ash Davies picked up the Most Improved Player and the Alternative Captaincy for Warriors 3. Matthew Dudley was chosen as the new Captain for Warriors 3 and picked up the MVP Award! A great night for you all. Well done!

It was such a fun night of celebration. Ollie Gannon even broke out into a rendition of ‘Angels’ towards the end.

On behalf of all who attended, a huge thanks to all the organisers for making it happen. We really appreciate the massive effort you all went to!

Bring on the new season!


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